I was struggling on the outside and struggling even more on the inside. I was depressed and suicidal and, as my suicidal thoughts grew, it occurred to me that I must have trained my mind to hit the auto-destruct button by mistake.
I've learned there are 2 ways we can live our lives.
One is where we're on "automatic". In this mode we passively react to what happens to us, abdicating responsibility as to how matters unfold, playing defense in the hopes that the worst life has to offer will somehow pass us by.
The other is what's called "conscious living". This is us in full bad-ass mode, embracing our life with joy, fearlessness, and compassion, unselfconsciously being our True Self and loving all of it.
Which path we take is the difference between merely surviving and totally thriving.
I call conscious living "Your Awesome Life". Taste the wonder of embracing life, fully present to the moment; with freedom from the shame of not being enough; with a dancing heart and the intention to know your own precious truth.
To get you back on the path to Your Awesome Life, you're going to restore the You that you were meant to be. You know who I mean... the You who is compassionate, loving, warm, open, adventurous, resilient, and adaptable, and feels they're worthy, and utterly - without condition - lovable.